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Tuesday, November 30, 2021

How to bring the balance back in life

Table of Contents
        • What is the meaning of balance in life.
        • why we lost our balance in life.
        • What can be happened in life if you lose balance
        • How to balance in life



Disgusted with life? That means, you are not in balance. Your life is not in balance. As human beings we have so many responsibilities. We have a responsibility to our family, children, social and work or job. By performing all these responsibilities and duties, the consistency of our life is about to be lost, and that makes our life disbalanced.

The stability of everything in this universe depends on its balance. Skyscrapers are built while maintaining balance; huge ships float on the water for balance. Without balance nothing is unsustainable, be it in the case of any material object or in the case of our life. Similarly, happiness is not only lost when there is no balance in life; it also has significant effects on all aspects of our lives, such as worldly life, career or spiritual life. Even its evil effects harm us physically and mentally. 

What is the meaning of balance in life and why it is lost:-
Balance in life means mental well-being, being physically fit and at the same time achieving materialistic things, that is, achieving and enjoying outward success. If this trio is not consistent, then life is bound to lose balance.
I will first talk about Materialistic Things because mostly we lose our balance in life just by running after it. Cars, houses, money, wealth, all these are materialistic things. Materials things are so enticing that the demand of them is never fulfilled; when we achieve one, we look for another. We spend most of our lives trying to achieve these things. When we buy a car, we feel very happy for a few days, we stay joyfully. After a few days it seems that the car of another brand is better; the car of another segment is better. We have the same reaction to each and every materialistic thing, whether it is a bungalow or an electronic gadget. The same is true for money and wealth. The only thing that makes whether a millionaire or poor people suffer is because he has no balance in life.

Then come to the point of physical health, many people lose their balance of life due to physical illness. Keeping our bodies completely healthy is a big challenge, especially in this modern age where there is a plethora of interesting foods, too much work load and stress. Work stress sometimes takes away both eating and sleeping, which are most essential for staying healthy. I must also mention the addiction to social media. We no longer have time to spend 10 to 20 minutes on exercise but can easily spend a few hours on social media. Don't even think for a second that all the materialistic things we're working so hard to achieve are worthless without the body. 

The body and our mind complement each other, so in order to bring balance to life first we ​​must be mentally stable. Happiness, joy, ecstasy, agony, anger, pleasant- unpleasant, measurable, love-everything is our state of mind. All those things are generated from within. We feel happy,  feel love, feel pleasure from inside; there are no other sources. Those feelings make us satisfied or unsatisfied. There is nothing in this world that can bring happiness and peace to your life if you cannot accept it from the heart. If you are satisfied from inside you don't have to need an expensive car to be happy, you don't have to need a huge bungalow to be ecstatic. This does not mean that we do not need these things.

What can happen in life if you lose balance:-
Just as a multi-storied building can be dusted off in a matter of moments when it loses its balance, the earth can be destroyed just as life can be. Initially, the following symptoms can be easily detected if we are losing our balance in life and if we take such precautions then the consequences will definitely be better. 

How to balance life:-

  • Make the mind fertile and productive:- The first requirement for maintaining balance in life is mental change and preparation. The mind that produces our behavior, the source of our good and bad feelings, needs to be developed. If you ask yourself some very simple questions and take the answers genuinely from your own mind and visualize them for better clarity, then a lot more equality will come back in life. Ask yourself, 'What do you want to achieve? Why do you want? What steps do you need to take to achieve those goals?'

An illusion needs to be removed first, we think that if we achieve something, our mind will be filled with automatic happiness and peace. No, not at all. Thoughts and feelings, values and principles, respect, blessings, happiness and peace are completely different, the origin of which is our brain, our mind. Materialistic things are byproducts, they will keep coming to you, if you are steadfast in your goal, you will grow yourself, you will be focused on the goal, and take action properly, there is no need to romp apart.

  • Take care of the body:- It doesn't take much time to take care of the body separately, at least fifteen minutes can be given every day to play, exercise or morning walk; this will keep both your body and mind healthy. Eating at the right time and taking balanced food is very important for the body. Especially when there is work pressure, we swallow food or procrastinate, which makes it toxic to the body. It is very important to give timely rest to the body. 7 to 8 hours of sound sleep is required every day, without any disturbance.

We have five sense organs to perceive external objects for enjoyment. These sense organs report to our brain and our brain reacts as per representation. If these sense organs do not work, we will not have a separate meaning for each object or event, so we need to take care of the body to keep them active. 

  • Enjoy time without running with it:- Enjoy work while working. At that time, if you think about the family or something else, the solution remains far away, on the contrary, the complexity of the work will increase. In the same way, when you spend time with your family, you will have to stay focused. You will not be able to enjoy the companions if you enter another world of thought and your family will be also disappointed to have you with them.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

How to exorcise the ghost of fear from your mind

Table of Contents
    • What is fear.
    • Effects of fear.
    • 'The fears' human beings are suffering from.
    • How to overcome fear.

'Fear' the biggest enemy of human life
source: pixabay

Fear and it's effects:-
If someone ask me which is the biggest enemy of human life, without confusion my answer will be 'Fear'. Fear is an unresourceful state of mind that eats away at it from within. Every human being is more or less a victim of the attack of this subtle and secret enemy. In many cases its invisible attacks and deceptions make our lives miserable. Fear increases anxiety, makes a person worry

Fear is actually an intense unpleasant emotion. This emotion stimulates our body and causes our physiological changes. Fear is judged as rational and irrational. Rational fear is very important for us, of course, but I will discuss the irrational fear which we regard as phobia. The root cause of this fear is doubt, doubt on the ability of oneself. 
Fear alone is enough to low your self-esteem, to erode confidence, to impede perseverance, no longer need an external enemy. Fear of something is the main reason for your cowardice, inability to make decisions, procrastination, discouragement, apathy and loss of desire. Statistics shows that all sectors such as business, politics, cinema, sports, or whatever, have successfully reached the peak of those who have overcome their fears.

'The fears' human beings are suffering from:-  There are some basic fears on which or some combination with which every human suffers one or another time.
  • The fear of failure:- This fear starts when a child first learns to walk. Although the child does not have the slightest trace of this fear in his mind, the seeds are sowed by his parents and relatives. Many meritorious students cannot pass the interview for fear of failure and live a life of unemployment.  We cannot set big goals in life for fear of failure.
  • The fear of poverty:- We are living in an age of economic madness. In this age, money brings honor, brings success, name and fame. The rich have become the most powerful, they are beyond the law, the richest people in politics, the economic control is in their hands. Now love(showing) is being sold in the open market. Even people in your family cannot easily accept you unless you have the financial support to do for them. Naturally, it is not surprising that mankind fears poverty. Fear of poverty makes people mentally and physically lazy, weak. The black cloud of negative thoughts swallows up which leads to various bad habits, loss of control over oneself, formation of skepticism, onset of procrastination.
    Fear of death has turned many people's lives into hell
    source: pixabay

  • The fear of death:- These unknown ghosts of fear take the lives of millions of people every year. The COVID-19 situation showed us the severity of this ghost. Fear of death has turned many people's lives into hell. If death engulfs, millions of people are getting sick every day for fear of this. A number of unscrupulous businessmen, politicians and the media are constantly trying to instill this fear in our minds.  Insurance or Mediclaim's businesses are booming, keeping awake this fear within us.
  • Fear of criticism:- The scourge of criticism is not easy to heal, it can last lifetime. Almost everyone is afraid of criticism, and knowingly tries to use this weapon on one another. Even parents do their children irreparable injury by criticising them. People are so brassy with the fear of Criticism that they don't hesitate to throw away their loved. Most people think of criticism as a stepping stone to success, so they try to use it whenever they get the chance. The misconception of the human race is that if one is not being dragged down, one cannot rise to the top. The easiest and most appropriate way to pull someone down is to hurt them emotionally, and that can be done very easily through criticism. This is so easy and enjoyable that without any cricketing knowledge or qualifications, while chatting, kissing over a cup of tea sat to criticize the great cricketer Sachin Tendulkar. 
  • The fear of loss of love:- This fear is most painful out of others. For ages this fear has been crippling the human race, especially the male society. Symptoms of this fear are feeling jealousy, getting angry at something, blaming others.

How to over come fear:-
Identify fear and its causes.  Overcoming fear is one of your challenges so identify it first.  For which you are afraid of? Why are  you getting fear?  Find out when you have this fear, ask yourself, check if there is a valid reason for your fear. Build confidence in your own ability, in your own knowledge. Keep yourself busy in relevant works. Your mind always wants to be busy. If you don't keep him busy with good things, he will lead you to bad things.

Always refrain from criticism, slander, gossip.  Stop listening, watching, and discussing negative news altogether. They will programme your mind negatively and causes fear. Don't hang out with people who are depressed and anxious, instead, associates with people who have a positive mind set. Read the story of a successful personality, excluding listening, watching or reading, stories of failure or sadness.
Meditate to keep your mind calm and healthy and at the same time keep your body healthy.  
Every fear that I have mentioned is unrealistic, the origin of this fear from your blind faith, past experience or thinking about the future. It has no real existence except your mind. Your thoughts carry some unrealistic imagination in your brain  and your mind nurture them, so change your thought-process.

Think about what you are serving or are going to serve others anyway, what you are contributing or will do. Think , everything is for you, all opportunities are available for you when you serve and contribute yourself properly.
'Don't run the race, run with the grace.'

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

How the power of persistence plays a vital role to achieve success

Table of Contents
        • What is persistence?
        • The power of persistence.
        • Symptoms of lack of persistence.
        • How to develop persistence.

A river cuts through a rock not because of its power but because of its persistence

"A river cuts through a rock not because of its power but because of its persistence." 
                 James N Watkins

Persistence is the outstanding quality of being steadfast in one's outcome or goal, regardless of all obstacles, hindrances, and discouragement. There is no second alternative to perseverance. This is one of the ladders of our success. Lack of persistence is the main reason why almost 98% of people failed. This weakness is just like fire, the lower it is, the less heat it will produce. Lack of persistence extinguishes the fire of our inner willpower. Lack of perseverance alone makes most people fail in the beginning. With perseverance, you can achieve success in all aspects of life.

Out of thousands, I want to give an example of a great person who achieved tremendous success with persistence.  Abraham Lincoln, an incredible character who has additionally been the ex-leader of the USA has experienced routinely huge disappointments for quite a long time after the year. Lincoln fizzled in his business in the year 1831 and after which in the year 1836, he got a significant mental meltdown. Battling reliably for a really long time, he again fizzled in 1856 during US official races. Battling and battling reliably he became the sixteenth President of the USA in 1861 and continued driving towards his lifestyle. He had enough reason to give up but he never did.

Persistence is another extremely valuable state of mind like many others. Naturally, this state changes when we face various obstacles, fail again and again, and various discouraging events happen. The human race is endowed with a special natural reward, that is patience. But about 99% of people lose patience in one way or another.  In front of nature, in front of this society, every moment we are facing some or many the other test. We lose this constant test only when we are impatient and when there is a lack of persistence. 

Symptoms of lack of persistence:-
  • No clarity about goals or outcomes.
  • Reluctant to collect special knowledge.
  • Procrastination without any reason.
  • Blaming others.
  • Fear of criticism and failure.
  • Give up in the face of minor challenges.
  • Lack of self-confidence.
  • Poor mindset.
  • Lost focus on the target.

How to develop persistence:- Persistence doesn't demand a great level of intelligence, education, not a large amount of money but a little bit of time and effort. We can cultivate this power within us. 
These are the necessary steps you can follow to gain the habit of persistence.

the power of persistence

Specific purpose with strong willpower:- First you need to set your specific goals or objectives and set goals that will keep you going all the time. If you feel motivation from within, your willpower will be strong. The combination of a specific purpose and strong desire will make you persistent.

Definite plans:- Once you find the purpose, make specific plans to make it a success.  If you move with a definite plan, the chances of failure will be low.  And as the afraid of failure diminishes, the habit of persistence will be developed.

Control over mind:- You have to control your mind.  There will always be obstacles, there will be criticism, there will be negative suggestions from your friends and family members, and there is no shortage of people to discourage at every moment. It is your challenge to keep your mind tied up tightly in all sorts of situations, here is the tough examination of your perseverance.

Build good habits:- Persistence is directly influenced by our habits. Everything we do every day or whatever we are habituated to do nurtures our minds.  It is not possible to get inspiration without the spontaneous support of the mind. Lack of motivation will take away your persistence. 

Persistence is the key to the success of many great people.  Only perseverance can transform extreme defeat into victory. Success in any endeavor is never possible without perseverance. The factor that can transmute your desire, and your goal into the real form of success is persistence.

Monday, November 8, 2021

What is Procrastination and how to break this unconscious pattern of mind

Extremely faster rabbits had to concede defeat due to his procrastination
source from pixabay
Table of Contents
  • What Is Procrastination.
  • The Effects of Procrastination. 
  • Science behind Procrastinate.
  • How to break the pattern of procrastination.
What is Procrastination:-
Procrastination is the tendency to unnecessarily delay in doing anything or in taking decisions. Procrastination not only slows down our life but also loses the focus of life. Almost all of us have to face this great challenge of life at some point. Almost everyone knows the story of the tortoise and the rabbit.  Extremely faster rabbits had to concede defeat due to his procrastination in a race to the tortoise.

In the lives of most people, one of the biggest enemies in the guise of a friend is 'excuse'. And this excuse and procrastination seem to be spiritually intertwined. We make excuses to procrastinate, and we procrastinate to find excuses. One of the obstacles in the way of success in life is the understanding of these two. Procrastination is so ingrained in our way of life that we have come to regard it as a credit, despite thinking it's a major obstacle. Procrastination has now become our social and mental disorder.
If a child asks for something he needs to study, his parents make excuses and say, "I will bring it tomorrow, not today." Our procrastination suppresses a child's emotions in this way.  And gradually the child also grows up accepting it as a normal principle of his life and later this principle becomes rule.
We wait for the right time to do any work. Well, tell me what is the right time?  If now, this moment is not right for you then how would you dare to dream of tomorrow! 

Later on, the work load increases and so the anxiety
source from pixabay
What are the effects of procrastination on our lives:-
  1. Paralyzed our decision making power.
  2. Later on, the work load increases and so the stress amd anxiety.
  3. Good opportunities are missed.
  4. Precious time is wasted.
  5. Chaotic life begins.
  6. Success is unnecessarily delayed.
  7. Demotivates.
  8. Cracks the Confidence.
  9. Lost focus on the goal.
Reasons for procrastination:-
There are mainly two scientific reasons for procrastination in any activity. The first is that before we do anything, our mind has to point out all its negative aspects,  in fact, we have nurtured our thinking pattern in that way. Whenever negative thoughts swirl in our head we find excuses not to do that or not to take that decision. The longer we delay, the the work will become more complex and we become reluctant to do that. Until our brain find the reword in a task, we can never be inspired on that.
Our brains values instant rewards far more than future rewards.  Whenever the brain sees that the store of instant rewards is empty, procrastination begins.

Secondly:- We have accepted our normal lives as the most comfortable zone of our life, no matter how hard that life is or how miserable it is. In that life, no matter whatever the relationship complex or the economic complexity, we like to limit ourselves, we feel comfortable on those. We do not look after the joy or adventure in doing something new. That’s why small barriers appear as large obstruction.  What we consider as a comfort zone is actually our familiar zone, we get habituated to having this zone. We think painfully anything outside the familiar zone and our minds always want to get rid of that pain. He seeks excuses and procrastinates as a way to avoid pain. 

How to break the pattern of procrastination:-
Once we know the reason for the procrastination, our goal of overcoming this bad habit is not a very difficult one. We have lots of potential and lots of power through which we can break this pattern easily by taking actions. The 'excuse' that our minds make 'will do tomorrow, today I will be in relax' is in fact an intention not to do that activity. We need to visualize well to get rid of this clever trap of the brain. We need to visualize what problems we are going to face if we are not able to complete the work we are procrastinating to do, what could be the loss in life. Whenever the mind feels the pain of not being able to do the work on time, immediately bring to mind the benefits of doing the work. Realise what rewards you are going to be awarded, how comfortable and happiness you will feel when you will complete the job. Enjoy the infinite joy of getting the job done emotionally, rather than the immediate joy of delaying. Remember, our mind alloys want to gain pleasure.

No matter how complicated the work is, if we have interest, we do not hesitate to do it. We are reluctant to do all the work that we do not enjoy, we do not get the benefit by hand. There are rewards hidden in every work, there is happiness,  finding it with the consciousness will inspire you to start doing.

When you try to roll a drum weighing a few tons from a stationary position, you will feel it a Hercules task. When you start pushing, the drum is started to moves slowly down it will be felt light, it will be easier to move. The more you think about what you need to do, the more complicated it will become, it will be difficult to get started. Start doing whatever is important to you or whatever you have to do, it will gradually get better.

What disappoint us is not the work itself, it's our thinking how hard it will going to be. Our thoughts make the work more difficult. You will never reach your destination unless you start.  When you start, you will find something new in every step, you will be optimistic and you will have faith in yourself. Worry does the damages, not work.  This cloud of worry will disappear only when you start moving forward, start working.

Monday, November 1, 2021

How to erase any past painful memory of life

Bitterness of bad memories
What you will learn from this article:-
    • Bitterness of bad memories.
    • Why we should forget bad memories.
    • How any event enters in our brain.
    • which events are frozen in our minds as memories.
    • how we can get rid of bad, painful memories.
    • TV technique.
    • The effects of the technique.
Memories can never be forgotten!  Many of you may put your mind to this question. I strongly believe that you can easily get rid of the bitterness of bad memories if you want.

Every time something is happening in our life either good or bad as per our representation to our brain. The events of our lives, from childhood to adulthood, would be skyscraper if sorted out. How many of these either we can remember or take place in the mind! As a percentage it is very low.

Why would we want to forget or try to forget old memories:- We usually want to forget the memories which we feel uncomfortable remembering.  We need to forget the memories that repeatedly rape us, hinder us from achieving our goals, hurt our emotions, take away our focus.
By the way, if I ask where is the presence or existence of any event that was happened in your life, does it have any real existence somewhere in this universe? No, it has no real existence, it exists only in our brain. Once when a person hurt you, you may feel that pain again and again in your mind or you will carry it lifelong. The specific person had hurt you once, then why are you getting wound again and again by carrying that memory?

Let's know how any events enter our brains:- There are basically three ways by which our brains receive what is happening outside. 
  • Number One:- By the visual sense, a certain form of what we see enters our brain and takes place as a memory in the form of pictures or videos.
  • Number Two:- By the auditory sense, everything we hear, that is, the sound of any event, the music, the conversation, the sound of a car or some loud noise they enter our minds through the ears and take place in memories.
  • Number Three:- By feelings,  through our largest sense organ skin, our body's different kinds of sensations always enter in to the brain.  Along with that also other two senses that work are the smell and the test. I did not mention these two separately.  Because the science of Neuro Linguistic Programming combines test, smells and feelings as kinesthetic sense.
For example, if you unknowingly catch fire, it will remain as your memory, just as a certain odor sticks to our noses. Sometimes when we hear the name of some food, water roll down through our tongue.

Let us now know which events are frozen in our minds as memories:- The better the picture or video you make in your mind, the more colorful it will be, the better picture quality will be and the better sound quality will be, means depending on the sharpness or sweetness of audio. The freezing of memory depends more on your feelings, the intensity of the feelings makes the memory come alive.
The events that you are witnessed and you were associated with are tied up in memory. Bad memories involve a lot of emotion so it becomes so vivid.
We enjoyed so many movies, most of those we forgot or we remember a special scene because the video, dialogues or script of the part that our feelings are involved with it, we can relate those to our life.
Repeatedly thinking about old memories creates neural pathways in our brain and these neural pathways become so strong that they automatically come in front of us when we are subject to something else or when we are alone. Some memories have trigger points, such as seeing a certain person or going to a certain place, or a certain smell or sound strangely awakens the memory. That means the person or the place or the smell or the sound is the trigger of a perticular memory.

Let us now know how we can get rid of bad, painful memories:- Memory, we are worried about can be forgotten or make powerless only when your feelings and emotions towards it decrease, if you can disassociate from the event. Any pale, insipid, black-and-white picture does not appeal to our minds. This means that if you can turn your memory to black and white, still photo instead of video, it will lose most of strength. Well, what does it feel like to watch a movie or a TV by mute it? Exactly, you loses interest in it.
Although it is very technical, I will tell you the application of a technique called TV technique. And I am very firmly claiming that there is no easier and better method than this which can work very fast.
Technique:-  Sit quietly and think of any old stressful memory that hurts you and you want to forget, take a good look at everything you see in your mind. Then imagine there is a TV in front of you. There is a glass wall between you and the TV and the painful memory of your life is playing on that TV. The remote control of the TV is in your hand. With that remote you can adjust the color of the image and gradually turn it to black-and-white, mute it to reduce the volume. Pause the video, as if there is a still photo in front of you.  Imagine some drops of rain are falling on it and slowly washing it away. Imagine that the remote control has a button and when pressed it will direct the TV and hit the sun. Press the button, see the TV hit the sun with the speed of a rocket and burn to ashes and from there a beautiful light flash upon you which makes you more beautiful and stronger person.

beautiful light flash upon you which makes you more beautiful and stronger person.

What will happen if you do this technique:- First, imagining TV and glass wall you will become disassociate from the event. Then the picture comes to colour less, blurry and a still photo instead of movie,  disturbing volume will disappear. Gradually it is washed out by rain then totally destroyed by hitting the sun and the event become powerless.

There is words "memories are sweet". Feel the sweetness of the memory, why are you embarrassing yourself by picking up unnecessarily past painful, bad memories! Remember and feel the good memories over and over again then life will become really beautiful. live the life with glory not regret.

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